Quality assurance

ISO 9001:2005 certification 


The quality management system


In order to maintain the competitiveness of our products on the domestic and international markets, the ISO 9001-compliant

Quality management system certified by DNV - GL Business Assurance.

Az ISO 9001:2015 szabvány megjelenését követően cégünk az új szabvány előírásainak megfelelően tanúsíttatta minőségirányítási rendszerét.

The operation of the quality management system enables the growing quality requirements of the developed markets to be met to an ever higher standard.

A Weiss Manfréd Vasművek a vevők által megkívánt minőség elérését működése meghatározó tényezőjének tekinti. Elsődleges és alapvető szempont a megrendelői igények, a vonatkozó szabványos követelmények maximális teljesítése, ezen keresztül a vevő bizalmának, megelégedettségének elnyerése és megtartása.

The quality management system is operated by professionally trained staff committed to quality. The suitability of the staff is ensured by the management of the company through regular training and education.

Technical and technical conditions are provided to control the quality standards. The majority of the tests are performed in our own laboratory:

  • Chemical composition (ARL 3460 Thermo Scientific spectrometer),
  • Tensile strength, elongation at break (Instron 5982)
  • Hardness test (Innovatest Nexus 3000)

Fabric structure and graphite tests (with Zeiss Axio vert A1 ccd camera) We provide special tests on request:

  • Crack test,
  • Ultrasonic examination,
  • Radiographic examination,
  • Impact work, etc.

The latter tests can be performed with an independent material testing laboratory in the Csepel Industrial Park, which is the largest independent material testing laboratory in Hungary and is also located in the Csepel Industrial Park.

The proper material quality of our sheet and spheroidal graphite castings has been certified by Germanischer Lloyd since 2011.

Széchenyi 2020